Sunday, November 30, 2008

Unstandardized Choropleth Map

An Unstandardized Choropleth Map shows the map aerially and divides the area like standard maps, however they do not rank the category or give specific numbers or percentages regarding the data. This map is of the United States and shows each state and the most largest religious group in that state.

Standardized Choropleth Map

A standardized map will show a set of data from an areal perspective using a specific and standardized unit. The map above shows the percent of total population of Spanish people for each county of the United States. The percent per total population is the standardized unit being used.

Univariate choropleth maps

A Univariate choropleth map is a map that only shows one type of data or variable. The map above shows the poverty percentage by county in the entire United States in 2000 from Census statistics.

Bivariate Choropleth Map

A bivariate choropleth map is a type of simple choropleth map that combines two types of data at the same time. They do this by using two sets of symbols or colors on the map. This map is an example of just that.

Unclassed choropleth map

An unclassified Choropleth map is an areal shot of data mapped in as many intervals of color as there are aerial units. The above map is from a unclassed mapping website and shows election results in 2003 in South Tyrol, Italy.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Classed choropleth maps

A classed choropleth map is a map that uses classified aerial units with certain colors to show the relative data for that geographic area. The above map shows deaths per 1000 live births in Australia.

Range graded proportional circle map

A range graded proportional circle map is a map that uses circles and a key to give certain types of geographic information such as population, industry, cattle, and so on. The thing that separate range grades from a continuously variable proportional map is that there is a set number of circle sizes that are used. The map above shows the gross domestic product in the world from 1996.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Continuously variable proportional circle map

The above image is a continuously variable proportional circle map of the Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana corners. This type of map uses circles that are sized in correlation to the amount of whatever data is being given in that area. In this map, the biggest circles are around Chicago and Detroit because of their dense population.

Monday, November 24, 2008


DOQQ, or Digital Orthoimagery Quarter Quadrangles are computer-generated images of aerial photograph. Also, the image displacement that is caused by terrain relief and camera tilt is removed The above image is a DOQQ over Washington DC, USA.


A digital elevation model, or DEM is used to show terrain digitally using remote sensing techniques or land surveying. This image is from a Geothermal exploration website and shows a DEM with color shading relief.

Monday, November 17, 2008

DLG map

A DLG is a digital line graph, which is a form of a digital map developed by the United States Geological survey. The above map is of the Bullcreek Wildlife management area and shows rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, highways, and back roads.


DRG is abbreviated for Digital Raster Graphic and is a scanned image of a US geological survey. The map itself is georeferenced to the surface of the Earth.The above map is of a Vail pass quad survey from a fish and wildlife website.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Isopleth Map

Isopleth show a third dimension by connecting a series of equal lines called isopleths. The third dimension may be surface elevation, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, and other measurements as well. The map above shows data from the Miyaki-jima volcano eruption in Japan in 2000.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Isopach Map

An Isopach is map of the thickness variation of a certain unit from an aerial view. The map above is of the Gulf of Mexico off of Florida's west coast. The map shows the sea bed of the Gulf of Mexico and the thickness of the reefs. The map comes from a website that has different maps Isopach maps of the same area showing different types of sea bed information.

Isohyet Map

An Isohyet is a line drawn on a weather map connecting points that receive equal amounts of precipitation during a certain period of time. The above map is of Taiwan and shows rainfall amounts using isohyets. The maps purpose is to show how hard it is to conserve water because of the uneven temporal.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Isotachs are lines that connect points of equal wind speeds on a surface. The closeness of the lines of the isotachs correlates to how intense the wind speeds are. this is a map of the United States that shows heights and isotachs.


An Isobar is a line that is drawn on a weather map to connect points of equal pressure. This map displays close isobars around a low pressure cell. Isobars are a way to describe air pressure.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lidar Map

Lidar data is remotely sensed data that is detected using Lidar equipment. They are usually collected with mounted laser on aircraft's and can document topographic change on the land and water below. This is an image over Wrightsville Beach in 1997.